Sonntag, 31. Juli 2011

Available days in August

Hi everybody,

The fishing here is pretty good right now and we still have some days available in August. Just contact us to make a reservation.

Best regards,

One more day fishing

Yesterday we had one more day fishing on Habitat. We fished with a dutch familiy in the north of the island. There was a lot of bait and birds around all the time. Just one hour before we had to go back we got a strike from a nice blue marlin. We had the fish on for around 5 minutes but she was jumping crazy and finally we pulled the hooks out.
But anyway it seems that we have a lot of fish around and the fishing should stay excellent for the next time.

Thanks for reading,

Next marlin for Habitat

Hi everybody,

On July 27th we had a one day charter with Matthias Gersch from Germany. We fished at Condor bank and released a blue marlin around 700lb after 30 minutes fighting it. It was the only fish we saw on that day.

Thanks for reading,

Mittwoch, 13. Juli 2011

Blue Marlin

Hello .
Habitat fishing today again withe Kareem and we coath 1 blue marlin 800lb , first of the season,
after 4 bues lost in last days.
Tomorow we try again withe Kareem.
Best regards from time Habitat

Samstag, 9. Juli 2011

Season off 2011

Habitat start the season and we fish 7 days withe Kareem at the moment.
We coath 6 tunas, 1 spear fish and we lost 2 blue marlins and have another on teaser.
So, something start to be hot in azores.
Best regards.